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Pig: pleasant environment

Pigs are smart, curious and social animals. When piglets grow up in an environment where they can play, this has an impact on their cognitive and social development. Pigs also prefer a safe environment, neither too hot nor too cold, where they can take care of themselves and have sufficient exercise.

Paying attention to the environment where pigs are reared is a crucial aspect of contemporary pig farming. Specific checks are conducted to guarantee animal welfare and fulfil the needs of the pigs as much as possible.

Product: taste

Many people believe that the good taste of a cut of pork is entirely the chef’s doing. But Belgian Pork Group and the T&W pig farmers know all too well that other factors such as the pig breed and the environment also play a crucial role in the taste of the pork.

Belgian Pork Group actively promotes Belgian pork by focussing on taste, texture and dripping loss. This involves internal and external testing with a professional audience, as well as several consumer tests.

People: family

People in families know each other, speak to each other and support each other. In good and bad times. We are convinced that these played a crucial role in the growth in our industry and will continue to do so in the future. 
Efficiency, flexibility and dedication are indispensable. That is why we prefer working with family-operated pig farms for our T&W pigs, people who turn the daily care for their animals and the passion with which they rear their animals into superior taste and quality.

Product: PSE

PSE stands for Pale, Soft and Exudative. This is pale, soft meat with a low water-binding capacity. These properties must be avoided at all cost.
The main cause of PSE is stress in pigs. PSE can be detected by measuring the meat’s pH.

Belgian Pork Group strives to avoid PSE at any cost, together with all its T&W pig farmers. Stress-free pigs produce higher quality and tastier meat.

Specific measures that T&W pig farmers commit to taking:

Planet: sustainable environmental investments

At Belgian Pork Group, our main concern is the planet and its future. Our job is to take this into account at every step and search for improvements. T&W pig farmers also have various options to contribute to sustainable development.

Investments such as solar panels, the use of waste flows, the use of own raw materials, green energy ... all contribute to this. Any initiative that the T&W pig farmer takes in this framework has our full support.

T&W pig farmers must have an action plan for waste, water and manure management.

Pig: disease policy

Creating a healthy environment on a pig farm involves taking a number of measures to minimise the risk of introduction or spread of pathogens. The main objective of each T&W pig farmer is to rear the pigs in the most responsible and most cost-effective way possible. This can only be achieved if the pigs are kept in good health.

People: training

The world is continually evolving, so it is vital that we continually evolve in line with it. Belgian Pork Group, its employees and the T&W pig farmers are keenly aware that well-trained employees are crucial, which is why they invest in various training programmes every year: